A Church Without Membership

At Living Message Church we don’t have membership, We Have Family. Why? When I moved to Florida from New York all of my memberships came to an end. The memberships at my gym, shopping centers and any social clubs were ended because I changed locations. In today’s world the Church has become so caught up in membership, that if someone changes location (leaves to go to another Church) they are no longer members. Relationships end because their membership is over. Even though I moved away from home, regardless of where I went, my family never changed even though my memberships did.

When you join a Church and you leave to attend somewhere else, you are normally released as a member so the communication and relationship has ended. It ended because you were not viewed as family; you were viewed as a member.

At Living Message Church, you are Family. So whether you decide to worship with us, or somewhere else, it does not disconnect us from each other. If Living Message is not for you, we will gladly refer you to other local Churches in the area. We want to make sure you have a home Church to grow in. The four walls of the Church created membership, the will and power of God created Family. Come Out and Meet the Family! Click Here To Watch Our Video!!


Serving our Community

As the Church, we feel that our primary responsibility is to reach and assist the very thing Christ died, rose and will return again for, “People”.

Living Message Church is active in the community assuring that we lend a hand to people in need. Through our Find, Feed and Restore ministry, we actively find and meet the immediate need of individuals while working to restore them physically, emotionally, spiritually and financially to the abundant life that Christ has in store for them. Currently, we feed over 70 people a month who struggle with homelessness, we teach free classes in the homeless shelters on job preparation and Microsoft Office while writing professional resumes to assist them in their job search.

In the Bible, a stone was used as a testament of an action or event. A group of stones would be a reminder of something that happened, a miracle or work of God (Joshua Chapter 4). The Bible says we are Living Stones (1 Peter 2:5). If we are living stones, then we are living testaments, or living stories of God’s work, or a Living Message. Our greatest sermon and most powerful dissertation will not be done from a pulpit, but from one life impacting another. Preaching about helping is a spoken message; actually helping people is a Living Message.